Practical Leadership 1.0 Supervising for Employee Engagement - Day 3 of 3

A three-day online webinar series
Thursday, December 3, 2020 (10:00 AM - 1:00 PM) (EST)
This is a three day event - December 1, 2, and 3 at 2pm. 


DANA Members Use code: NCN

$129 for Members
$169 for Not Yet Members

Event Details

From our partners at Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, we are delighted to offer: Practical Leadership 1.0 - a three-day online event (December 1-3).

Effectively carrying out a supervisor role is more "art" than science. Often, managers are left on their own to try and figure out how to implement their supervisor duties. Yet skilled supervisors are the primary extrinsic factor that creates strong employee engagement and performance. This highly interactive workshop provides participants with immediately implementable tools and strategies.

This workshop is one of MCN’s most popular trainings and consistently receives high evaluations. You will leave with tools and ideas that you can immediately implement.

Topics include:

  • Cultivating self-awareness
  • Introduction to emotional intelligence
  • Holding difficult conversations
  • 6 essential skills of supervision
  • Coach approach to supervision

Learning Objectives

  • Better understand the competencies of the supervisor role and improved confidence in implementing the role
  • Cultivate self-awareness and accountability for avoiding toxic behaviors in the work place
  • Increase comfort at holding a range of conversations, including developmental feedback 
  • Learn strategies for helping employees solve their own challenges
  • Build awareness of when to use coaching in the supervisor role
  • Receive an introduction to the fundamental components of coaching - listening and inquiry

This training takes place on December 1, 2, and 3 from 1 - 3 p.m. each day. Information about how to log into this training will emailed to you prior to the start of the first day of the training. 


What if I have a conflict with one of the three parts? Each session builds upon the previous session. Therefore, if you have a conflict with one or more of the parts, we recommend not registering for this training. It will be offered several times in-person and online in 2020, so alternate offerings may work better for your schedule.

Can registrations be shared? To achieve the best possible learning outcomes during this training, each participant needs to have their own connection to the virtual classroom, which means registrations can't be shared. Participants will be actively engaging with the trainer via chat and polls, and thus each needs to have their own keyboard, computer, and connection to the training.

Speaker Information 

Lisa Negstad

consults with a diverse clientele of nonprofits, philanthropies, and government in leadership and organizational development. Believing anyone can be a leader, Lisa lives in two worlds: traditional hierarchies, where she helps managers excel in their role, and collective teams, where she helps groups think systemically and improve their shared leadership skills. Before starting her own consulting firm, Lisa held senior leadership and management positions in several international and U.S.-based nonprofit organizations. Lisa has an MBA from Yale and a B.A. in psychology from Luther College and is certified as a Human Systems Dynamics professional. Lisa, an ongoing learner of cultural agility, brings a strong value of inclusion and participatory processes to her training. 


Additional Information
Event Contact:
Jenni Brand
Contact Organization:
Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA)
Contact Description:
This event is brought to you by Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. DANA Members use code: NCN Questions? Need to contact someone directly - please reach out to
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