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Upcoming Events

Howard Keener

DANA 2023 IMPACT Delaware Annual Conference - Exhibitor Table

100 David Hollowell Dr.
Newark, DE 19716 United States
University of Delaware, Clayton Hall
Thursday, April 20, 2023 (8:00 AM - 2:30 PM) (EDT)
Event Details

The past few years have proven our strength, power, and resilience as a sector. We had to immediately shift the way we worked to ensure that our constituents continued to receive the services and support they needed … and we continue to adapt through economic forces, new viral strains, and social and political unrest. Whether a school, community health center, museum, or shelter – whatever type of nonprofit - we have all been invited to change and adapt.

And what successes we saw! Nonprofit organizations and voluntary associations across the world worked together to serve children, families, and communities through the pandemic. Here in Delaware, we saw significant partnerships and collaborations that ensured that much-needed resources were distributed throughout our state.

So now what? What can we learn from the last few years that will inform what we do in the future? How can we build upon the successful models of partnership and collaboration that emerged during the pandemic? How can we as individuals and as organizations prepare ourselves for what comes next?

We will explore these questions at our 2023 Impact Conference.

Hosting a table at the 2023 IMPACT Delaware Conference is a fantastic way to engage with hundreds of attendees who join us at the event.  Exhibitors enjoy premium space to display their company information, as well as recognition through event materials at the event.  Additionally, DANA provides each conference attendee with an Exhibitor Passport to encourage visitors to your booth.  Completed Exhibitor Passports are then entered for a chance to win a $250.00 Amazon Gift Card.

Exhibitor Opportunities and Benefits are as follows:

Column1Showcase Exhibitor w/ PowerDANA Member Showcase Exhibitor w/ PowerExhibitor  w/ PowerDANA Member Exhibitor/ w PowerExhibitor w/o PowerDANA Member Exhibitor w/o Power
 $ 1,200.00
 $ 1,080.00
 $  600.00
 $ 540.00
 $ 500.00
 $ 450.00


Premier table placement (limited availability)XX

Table size8ft8ft6ft6ft6ft6ft
Logo on Exhibitor Passport - given to each conference attendeeXXXXXX
Logo inclusion and recognition on DANA website, conference program/app and selected day-of-event signageXX

Name listing on DANA website, conference program/app and selected day-of-event signage

Event registrations221111


Additional Information
Event Contact:
Melissa Hopkins
Contact Organization:
Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement (DANA)
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