Upcoming Events

Zoom 2.0 - Mastering Zoom Technology
This webinar is designed for those who have been using Zoom video conferencing at a basic level and would like to become more than proficient with the technology. Lead by Susan Detwiler, this is an informative and interactive session will cover:
- Techniques for keeping participants engaged
- Different ways of polling, taking votes and getting a sense of the ‘room’ using Zoom and other tools
- Techniques and tools for collaboration
- More in-depth demonstration and practice of sharing documents and break-out rooms
- Time for answering questions from the participants
Presenter Bio:
Susan M. Detwiler
President, The Detwiler Group
“When you begin with a shared vision, people work together to make it happen.” A seasoned consultant, Susan Detwiler specializes in working with nonprofit boards and staff, as a catalyst for boards in transition, developing vision and aligning planning, leadership and governance with values and mission. She has twenty-five years of experience in the for-profit sector, serving a variety of clients including Fortune 500 companies, followed by fourteen years in the nonprofit sector. Her consulting is informed by five years experience as an Executive Director and service on multiple nonprofit boards through the years. Ms. Detwiler is a Creating the Future™ Fellow and Standards for Excellence™ Consultant , and partners with Delaware Alliance for Nonprofit Advancement to provide board excellence education, facilitation and consulting. As a Creating the Future Fellow, she facilitates organizations coming together around a vision for the future, and assists their identifying the path to that future. Ms. Detwiler graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from State University of New York at Albany and holds an MBA from the University of Michigan.